More than you ever wanted to know about a simple flyaway
by William A Sands, PHD, FACSM
Letter to the Membership
Dear Colleagues,
As the D.O. season finishes up the TOPs, HOPES and Elite season ramps up. It is a good time to remind you that both YOU and the athletes need to have some programed in down time. In the Iditarod mushers are required to take 3 mandatory rests during the race. The first one is a 24 hour stop. The next 2 are 8 hour rests. These rests are for the health of the dogs as well as the mushers.
Although we certainly are not sprinting across the frozen wilderness in a dog race- It is a LONG season. If you are taking some gymnasts from the D.O. system into the elite program it is even longer. If you and the gymnasts don’t have some programed rests you increase the chance of injury.
During the past few months I have been working with Kevin White and Kathy Krebbs on updating the bylaws and mission of the USA Gymnastics Advisory Council. We will have a meeting at National Congress in August. I will be sending out a survey that I will need everyone’s opinion on. Representing the coaching community at these meetings is one of my most important jobs.
Train hard, Train safe
Tony Retrosi

Amazing Things You Get for Your membership
Regularly scheduled meetings at USA Gymnastics Congress.
Representation on the USA Gymnastics Advisory Council and other USA Gymnastics Committees.
A major voice and influence on the rules, policies and decisions that govern and affect our age group gymnasts and coaches.
Regular communication with members a major goal of USECA is to keep YOU informed on what’s happening in gymnastics and its relationship to coaches, gymnasts and judges.
The USECA Journal Articles
USECA distributes 6 to 10 articles each month. These publications are recognized as a primary source of information in the gymnastics community.
Our articles include:
- Information concerning training
- Biomechanics
- Statistical research
- Equipment
- Psychological preparations
- Nutrition, strength programs
- Film analysis
- Reports on training camps
- Congress materials and more!
USECA films and distributes current video material. All of our videoa are filmed and edited by our USECA Video Chairman, John Min.
Our videos include:
- Domestic & International apparatus training methods
- Element Techniques
- Choreography
- Educational Symposiums
16 to 20 videos will be published to the website every year.
Making a positive change Through a coalition
USECA is partnering with the other organizations, to make a positive change in the sport.
Join us